Doctor Listing Portal
A doctor booking platform is one of the emerging online services in the current scenario. For the starting phase of finding a medical professional, there is a lot of healthy scopes available in the market. Since finding doctors offline is quite tough and the people who don’t have the patience to wait a bit for an appointment, technology has improved and hence doctor booking becomes sophisticated for the doctor as well as visitors. The growth of healthcare industries is incredible as the past.
1.1 User End
-Sign up
-The Customer can create his own account by registering themselves. The customer has to enter the following information to complete the registration process.
-Full Name
-Valid Email address
-Password (Should have at least 6 Characters)
-Once the registration process is over, the customer will be confirmed with a success message.
1.2 Login
-Once the registration process is over, Customer can log in into the site with their email address and the password. Once the Login process is over, the customer will be confirmed with a success message.
1.3 User Profile
-Once the Login process is over, the customer will be redirected to the user profile page where the following details will be displayed
-Joining date
-Profile Picture
-For new users, all information will be black except the name, email, and Joining date. The customer has to go to the edit profile page to add the remaining information.
1.4 Edit Profile
-In this section, customers can add or edit the following information.
-Email address
-Date of Birth
-Zip code
-Profile Picture
3.4 User Management
-This section will have a list of users in a table along with the user’s email address, Register IP, and Joining date. It will also have the option to edit, activate, and view each user’s record.
-The Action section will have the following option to manage the user account
3.5 Doctors Management
-This section will have 2 sub-sections.
-Doctors - It will have a table with the doctor’s name, email address, review, Joining date, and action.
-Doctors Request - It has a table and it will show the list of doctors who gave a request to become a doctor. It will also show the status of the request.
3.6 Ad Management
-It will have a table of details about the adds those have to appear in the ad section on the website.
-The table will have the following records
-View Count
3.7 Appointment Management
-Appointments requested by the user will be shown here. These records will be listed in this table along with the option to accept, reject, and delete the appointment request given by the user.
3.8 Review Management.
-This section will have all the reviews posted by the users and related details in a table.
-This table will have the following information
-Reviewer Name
-Doctor Name
-Created Date
-The action section will have the following options
-View the review
-Activate/Deactivate Review
-Delete Review
3.9 User Contact US
-This section will have the entire message sent by the users. The details are displayed in the table. The table will have the following information
-User Name
-Email Address
-Sent Date
-User IP
-The Action section will have the following options to manage the user message and related information.
-View User Message
-Delete User Message
3.10 Common Search
-The common search option will have the option to search the user, doctor, appointment records in one place. The category has to be select to get the required records. The records can be filtered by entering the joining date as well.
3.11 Site Settings
-This section will provide an option for modifying the website content and it will have the following options
-General Settings-Website content like the title of the website, URL, Admin address, Admin email can be changed here.
-CMS-Website content like about us, Privacy Policy, how It works, Contact address, Contact Email can be changed here.
-Testimonials-Content of the testimonial which appears on the index page can be managed using this option. User review, profile picture, and name can be changed here.
-Change Password- Admin profile password can be changed here.