HMS Pro is a Hospital management system from where management of all hospital related activity can be possible. In any hospital generally requires to manage the patient’s records, doctors, nurses and other staff records, medicines stock and availability, ward availability, bed availability as well financial activities.
To perform these activities require different user rights for access the relevant sections in the software and not all the system, For example when Hospital admin login into system they have rights to access the all sections of system while any doctor login into system then they can access only patient management, medicine management related module. Same thing applies for other types of users of the system. HMS Pro provides all these facilities to create different types of user’s management and perform activities using single website.
HMS Pro website designed such a way that it can be used by single hospital or group of multiple hospitals. There are different types of user can create in the system and assign particular role for the system.
There are different types of users can create and basic role as below:
Super Admin:
-Super admin can create different hospitals and hospital admins to operate that hospital.
Hospital Admins:
-Hospital admin can create different users like Doctors, Nurses, Pharmacist, Laboratorist and Accounts. They also can see all the activities performed by users which created by them.
-Doctor can create patient records and manage the checkup, prescription, diagnosis and treatment records for those patients.
-Nurse can manage the patient records, manage beds and allotment of those beds.
-Pharmacist can manage the medicine related activities like add new stock of medicine and check availability of medicine.
-Laboratorist can perform the activities related to different diagnosis reports of patients which prescribe by doctors
-Accountant can perform financial activities like patient bill generation, expense management of hospital.
- Add Standalone or group of hospitals
- Multi user system
- Add Admin users and assign hospital for manage.
- Staff records and login account management.
- Doctor management
- Manage patients records
- Simplified track of the patient checkup history, prescription, diagnosis and treatment.
- Add medicine and medicine category.
- Generate the patient bill and print it.
- Manage different types of rooms and rooms categories
- Manage patient’s diagnosis report
- Bed & Bed allocation management.
- User profile management
- Birth & Death report management
- Blood inventory management
- Check availabilty of blood withing registered hospitals
System Requirement:
- IIS 8 or Higher
- MS SQL Server 2008 or higher
-.Net Framework 4.5 or higher
-Hosting Environment